Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tender Breasts Definition Lalalal.... :3

ity q you have passed that version and had put in a scene where the characters q exactly the same sentence they said in a video q q subi me. Then admits q q if it was true I copied. Even I have the message, so stop complaining q of q te copy, q porq you admit you copied your about me.

At issue is why you have referred to Breaking Benjamin? Q I remember this "group of antis" may not know this, we talked for MP porq;)

Oh, this just put it out of curiosity:

're racist or something? I did something the freckled? xD
real people has freckles and grains not have a porcelain face:)
also give you away to compare your work with mine. Any Keyquivoco, I apologize delighted. Meanwhile, serious about q if yours erase the false channel, q q much tell lies about me I'll always be able to refute them and never fail to make videos:) be happy, no? I'm doing publicity: D


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