nating in different colors, but we share the same style of dress.
As students of the conservatory used cream and white uniforms, we use black and white. Despite my ability on the violin, the class chose to study in general ... in part because of my phobia, and partly because I'm very lazy.
When the clock turned to 3:00 pm, everyone began to leave. My plan was to go as quickly and accidentally forget to visit the Academy Ace-kun, who was waiting in the main hall, where I am supposed to find him. Unfortunately, to reach the main hall and escape, I go through the main hall …
I do an extra effort to mingle in the crowd of students and be attentive. I hold my breath a little when passing through the main room and smiled.
is not!
Yes! I was successful!
was almost as good as the chocolate cake.
"Ah!" Obstructed as I feel someone pulling my coat sleeve.
"Oh," cried angrily turning. My face turns white. "T. You! "
Saijo-san had stopped meacademia.
I did the only thing he could do to talk to him.
closed my eyes.
"Well ..." I said to the darkness. "I forgot ... sorry!"
Hey! What happened to all my excuses planned? "A, B, and C?
Wait. I only had a plan A. And failed. I'll need a backup plan next time!
"Why keep your eyes closed?" I hear you ask. Giro
hacia the window, or at least I think I'm facing the window. Giro again, looking for the current level that would light my darkness ... a hint of orange.
Ah! There?
walk ... I found him.
"I have dry eyes." I explained. "I keep them moist, you know." Forced smiled. "Blinking is very healthy."
There is silence.
"Here I am." I hear faintly.
I open my eyes. "&I, l looks worried. "Everything ... right?" It seems a question for me. Actually, it sounds concerned about himself.
"Come ... walk ..." mumble and try to separate my head.
could not avoid looking at him fixed, but at the same time my body was repulsed by him. A great combination .... A bizarre combination ... a horrible combination. I'm stuck like a girl fall in love, but my face is saying that I see something terrible.
Unsurprisingly Ace-kun seems frightened me.
Perfect, &; Desktop search; Nanse to the club. I am the president!
The entire route avoids looking at Ace-kun. When I presented the building that bears the science classrooms, looking over his shoulder. Then when I showed him where were the sports field, I stood at his side. So would not cope. In the office, turned at right angles just so that he was never in my field of vision real.
had almost finished our tour, returning to the main building when I stopped Ace-kun.
"Akemi-san?" I called several steps from the entrance.
I turned sixty degrees soattempt to avoid his face. "It looks like will not want to face me."
River almost completely hysterical. Remember, when I despair, I become dramatic. "How hilarious!" I became serious at once. "It's not."
"So many fingers are there?"
"FIVE!" Cry without thinking.
Wait a second. "Fingers?
"Definitely ... You're not watching."
I have no option & aif you do not speak.
He takes another step toward me and forces me not to move, to continue in my third attempt everything is fine. My heart rate increases. At this rate I'll have a heart attack ... and possibly die.
Now ... I'm really worried.
words, or even have completed seventeen.
I'm too young to die!
"What's wrong with me?" I must say he has a soft voice. I'm surprised. He suddenly sounds almost fun.
"& iexcl; No! "I say. Observe his shoulder again.
"Even if I do this?" Question and leans toward me. I'm back instinctively.
"I have just ... like my personal space .." He explained nervously.
Oh god, I'm going to die. I will die here! I feel that implosionaré. My body is going to melt and I dubbed the Wicked Witch of the West. And that cute bucket is called Saijo.
"In class, I saw you watching me ..." He says suddenly. I'm still leaning slightlyago. "And I thought you were just another girl looking at me. But now ... I do not think so. "
" Oh? "I say as if I know nothing.
I think I'll faint.
"Yes ..." Ace-kun Seat. His tone sounds really fun ... for some reason. I desperately want to look at his face, but I know if I do I swoon ... or die. . Or implosionaré.
"Your way of looking at me is not like other girls. And I'm very
aware of C & OverhaulI, m looking at me ... "Keep it in smoothly. Ace-kun
sounds like you're smiling. I do not know really. But ... if there is a tone to describe when you smile, it would be that.
"I scared you ..." Finally he says.
"That is ... Riidiculo ..." I say. Suddenly impress. My best vocabulary comes to mind when I am about to die. As expected my essays always sound so good two hours before, I am supposed to use.
"So what har & aacute; s if I do this ... "Sorry
closer, his breath hit me and I move aside, but he is inclined anyway, not maso I fall I can move! My knees tremble and he takes on his arm.
I finally force myself to look at it and beginning to mutter incomprehensible words while I'm lean, focused in his eyes. He tried to kiss me! Unless those lips were going to honor his own hand, he tries to kiss me!
If those beautiful lips ... those lips, those lips unpleasant, suchfull lips ... those lips bright .... UGH! If those lips touch me ...
I pushed as far as I can, while mumble something absurd, and I give some clumsy steps back before taking distance and run away.
Running away from the academy.
I did not think then, that at that moment, had surprised both Ace-kun with my rejection, which in a rather inexplicable, made him feel very interested in approaching.
That kid is going to kill me ... beautiful
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