Monday, February 7, 2011

Prefinished Stair Treads My fear - Chapter Six

Kisses and fangirls.

I wake up laughing. Actually forty-five minutes after turning off the alarm! Bed stumbling blindly, and drink my face with ice water, I smile ... because, It's Friday! Last day of the week!

And this Saturday I provide food for the dinner birthday cousin's sister's friend's mom. But it will be my first job as catering in my life and I'm excited. It will be a relatively small meeting of fifteen people, because the birthday plans for the night, is not so bad.

"& amp; iexcl; Kyoya! "I call on your door. I do not bother to scream with all my strength. "Kyoya! "

" Shut up! "Exclaims distantly.

"We're going to school!" I reply.

I hear a knock on the table, a stumble, and the door opened before me with a tired looking Kyoya.

"I'm here, come on. "

" Guess what. "I said happily as we walk.

"What? "Comment approaching, holding their books and the cover with his violin.



And they are approaching fast. Woah, really fast. As a ...

"Stampede! "Grito, assuming the dramatic side. Kyoya call, but the crowd around him.

the stairs to go to my classroom. Miyabi-chan flirts with a guy I barely know, but still has his head from side to learn from people around. Displaying

not, as expected, I turn to her, go to my desk and took a seat. Saijo-san is not either. I do not care. Just

I have time to leave my bag, before he felt a strong arm cherish my shoulders and pull mehim. I pressed against the stranger's shoulders and chest.

"Um! "But I smell. This fragrance. So charming and sensual.

"Good morning, Akemi-san." Says a soft voice in my ear.

Ah. Kami-sama! No I have to turn to know who is.

"It seems like yesterday ... I had a little mishap with my face ..."

The beard and mustache. I begin to laugh, but I stop when he hugs me more upwind.

My head starts spinning. This screams, "NEAR. CLOSE! "



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