Pythons and kittens
I'm still surprised. "Kyoya asked Seiso transfer to my school? I like ... but it also scares me.
Because Kyoya maybe I care ... or maybe make my current mess even worse ...
"Kisaragi-kun, can take a seat in the fourth row, near the windows." Says our Sensei. Giro to notice an empty desk in the back row across the classroom.
"I expected to sit next to Akemi-chan." Kyoya comment pretty cool.
My eyes widen por several reasons. First, I am amazed at the boldness of Kyoya, the seat next to mine belongs to Saijo-san. Secondly, I feel everyone looking at me for loving her so call me. But worse, I can feel it Saijo-san. Sensei
Mizaki sounds impatient. "We can discuss that during the recess. For now, can sit where I suggested? "Kyoya
nods and smiles. "Of course." Walk to the back of the classroom. While doing one of the rows, looking at the girls turn. Is it really so popular? My neighbor has a secret identity! Suddenly feel very smug. É; He is my best friend after all.
"Do you smile to the role of equations?" Says a soft voice.
My eyes veer to the left. Saijo-san still watching me. I try to detach myself from her face.
"I think the math is brilliant." I say. Brilliantly difficult, but I can leave it out.
"I see ..." My hand goes to my face again, locking it. "I thought to cook. Was your favorite subject. "
remember his face and my hurt. River nervous. "Popular belief ... but very false." Ríoagain. "Very."
The rest of the class until the break, I can hear girls whispering to Saijo-san.
"Ace-kun you feeling better?" "Oh! That looks so painful blow! "" Who did that?! I hope he dies! "
drink. At least think that the person who hit him was a boy.
"Oh, no." Saijo-san says. "Who hit me was not a boy."
"What!" Cries all around him.
"It's the same person whos gave these baskets of muffins. "Answer calmly.
I hope someday to have severe acne.
When the break comes, I can not decide whether to run classes to avoid the inevitable confrontation with the girls ... or to end my face beaten by the Hulk women out there.
After pondering. I'll stay in my seat.
"So that's the nice guy, eh?"
smile. Kyoya! I raise my eyes and he is leaning against me. Looking slightly Saijo-san exchanging numbers with a girl from a sectionquo, so I talked to the guy again ... Kyoya-san, right? "
" Yes? "
" Ely are you ... "Gather the frowning slightly. "I see you know very well ..."
"Cooking with it? I helped fill the baskets if that thought ... "I reply confused.
"No." Interrupts Kanae. Sighs impatiently. "Ely you are going?"
"Leaving? How to kiss and hug? I have goingKyoya memories rivers and me over the years. When we were kids and I played the piano while he was the violin. Then, when Kaneda preferred Ritsu-chan-san and I was there, or while it was too late and slept at home. Play video games. He won, but I ate the award while he was doing his victory dance. All the guys like him have a dance of victory.
"No." I say. Sounding confident for the first time today.
"Oh, well." Dice Kanae.
"I can not believe Kisaragi-senpai called transfer here! & A
"Hey." She says. "I have some unfinished business with you. What we have out, after that building. "
I look doubtful. We fight for that beautiful boy? Does if you do not see it? If I see it as absolutely horrific?
While walking, try to make conversation. I do not know why, but I figured that trying to talk to her, understand that is a misunderstanding. Then share some secrets and insecurities with both, and then swap phone numbers.
"Um ... pi ... python ..." I say.iexcl; Anyone can beat me! "I look at the four before me. "Twice." I say.
"Whatever." Answer python.
"Okay." I raise my hand and four notes. "Without seeing!" Shout. Python knits I do ceñoy back. She shrugs and nods. All close their eyes.
my hands start to move back and forth when I understand what he was doing. "Almost ready!" He said. Back away slowly, then turn and run fleeing.
"AH!" Scream and close the door oraround the world. "he laughs.
"Hey!" I look at him, suddenly remembering. "I thought it would protect me!"
"I did." He answered. "But a large group of girls offered to show the buildings of the academy ..."
"Yes, yes. Excuses, excuses! "
" Neko-chan ... "
us at the end of the sidewalk, waiting for the change of lights to cross.
"What?" I look at him askance.
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