Thursday, January 27, 2011

Swollen Ankles In Summer What To Do

t form, But It Was His First drum'n'bass album-length project, and I Approaches in just the way it Would one expect: by Simply perfect wedding basslines so They Could make one cry to the hardest beats I Can Get His Hands on, all of them to be cranked up to about a million bpm, Then layering Everything with jazzy flute ('Faktura'), sinister keyboard washes ('Third Stage Navigator'), or exotic found-sound (like the Tibetan throat singing on "Digitaria '). The album's center of gravity is 'Extinguisher' Which Consists of nothing more Than a bassline and incredibly dense and complex percussion - it's a masterpiece of tightly controlled funk s, which somehow isn't the contradiction in Terms one Would think it Would Be. Highly recommended. "



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