Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much Is A 14 Pearl Necklace Worth Taking a break ...

Definitely, it's time to take a break. A break from the sims and YT, and lately I are both looking like a waste of time. Q Now I have a small "vacation" (does not enter into details), I will take the maximum to be with my friends. Not only will rest this holiday, if q I will be quite some time without getting into YT or upload any video. Aunq well, quite q I'm taking this break ... Mainly, I want to make a little porq YT overwhelms me the same story of the fights and all that shit. And frankly no one respects my work with the videos. Not if you may know, but just a 6 minute video as a chapter takes several days or months of work and notI feel like the q most of the comments are only wonder what is the music or where under things. So I have stopped responding also this kind of questions, not be an edge porq or all of these things so beautiful you send me some to q formspring by Anonymous (q brave, D)
And, well, bored me pretty sims. The q, on and not do and then off again. Asi q no, I'll be a long season without making videos or answer questions by YT. Cuaquier formspring thing to me.

Chau: *

PS: I have a video uploading to wikifriki pediente, perhaps forced march end and pull it up, but q is not very safe to do so. q can also find them off my channel, I will be "off" hardnte a week, but that does not mean q is closed or anything like that.


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