Monday, January 31, 2011

Relationship Counters Widget Toncho Pilate (Mexico) - Toncho Pilate, 1971 (Psych)

DF. The violins of the Mariachi New Tecalitlán Also enhanced the presentation. In time, Pilate Toncho incorporated the violinist Richard Nassau, Originating from Chicago, United States, Into the group. Nevertheless, and in Spite of the Achieve Success, it Was Not Until 1980 Toncho That Pilate returned to record Their second studio album, Second Time. To a large Extent, this delay due to the fact-WAS Mexican rock music That Had Entered a Period low, due to the repression and Intolerance That Arose after the Festival of Avándaro. At the end of the 1980s, Toncho Pilate Had Disappeared from the scene. After Several Changes of membership, the group Appeared in Los Angeles, under the name of Toncho Indian Braves. In 1991, They Recorded Their third and final studio album, I'm MeXicano.
Toncho Alfonso Guerrero Died on 4 July 1992 at the age of 42 years, Just a few months after the release of the album, and only weeks after the band's last television appearance. The legacy of Toncho Pilate Mexicanist With their sound and English lyrics SOWEDA the seeds for Mexican rock music. "

1 to 8


Jack Astors Crab Dip Recipe Deisus Choir - Russian Medieval Chant, 2001

1 to 14


Can Herpes Blisters Be Painless What's New?

or Teenagers. but I say, I take a break from the sims, so take just yours ... q

And yes, I q llevais waiting over a year xD

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Watch Prosti Aubrey Miles

1. Zenith
14:56 2. Bamboo Groove 15:53

1. Wind and Water 10:20
Happiness 11:36 3. Aisha
Swing 4:53 4. Storm Coming
3:08 5. Dromedary
Dance 3:16 6. Puppy's Play 7:02
7. Transport Vocal
4:09 8. Mongezi Feza
2:31 9. Calling Planet Earth
7:25 10. Sea Horse
Procession 2:09 11.
Desert Blues 1:56 12. So Much Love 2:41

Zusaan Fasteau
Kali - Cello, Conch, Cumbus, Davul, Flute, Harp, Kaval, morsing, Nai, Piano, Sanza, Shakuhachi, Sheng, Vocals David Rafael Garrett
- Balafon , Clarinet (Contrabass), Conch, Nai, Percussion, Sanza, Shakuhachi, AMG

\han that of most bootleg concerts.\

How Does Being Fingered Feel ?

Tyson McAdoo by


Love struck

Loved to death

Dayna Deluxe Derby


Iron Maiden 2 hot
in the kitchen

Pumpkin pop

White Lies 01

Invisible Invisible

02 03


Saturday, January 29, 2011

15 Year Old Printable Birthday Cards

1. Main Vein
2:23 2. What's in My Mind's Eye 2:36
3. Magic Bed 2:52
2:42 Sleep Tight 5. 1:29
Main Vein II 6.
Sleep Tight 4:43 7. 3:44 Cathatyptic
8. 0:42
Main Vein III 9. Sprinkle Road to Cork Street
3:07 10. Ode to Missy Mxyzosptlk
3:06 11.
Strange 4:27 12. Thoughts and Feelings 3:49
13. Main Vein 4:07 4
Jim - Guitar, Vocals Jim
Nyeholt - Keyboards
Bob Jones - Bass, Vocals
Billy Herman - Vocals, Drums

"During the mid-'60s , the members of Aorta - originally hailing from Rockford, IL - Had Been Previously in a group Called the Exceptions. Early members of this group included Kal David (later of Illinois Speed Press and H.P. Lovecraft) and Peter Cetera (Chicago). The Exceptions were a soulful, if unremarkable, Top 40s cover group who were nevertheless acclaimed for their 'exceptional' musicianship. They were one of the more popular acts on the greater Chicago local scene, and released a handful of singles on numerous Midwest labels - Tollie, Cameo, Quill - and for L.A.-based Capitol. For the last of these releases, the band dropped the 's' from their name and began calling themselves the Exception (a compilation for the Collectables label, The Quill Records Story, collects two of their singles). They also recorded an EP called 'A Rock & Roll Mass for the Flair label; it featured six different rock songs with words taken from Various Religious Prayers. As Each member of the group - with the exception of bassist Peter Cetera - Already Had an Eye Toward Expanding Their original material to include a more 'psychedelic' sound, They Themselves reconfigured soon as Aorta, and, in late 1968, Recalling a single for Atlantic. Eventually, producer Bill Traut (American Breed) Approaches: a Them On Behalf of Dunwich Productions, Inc., and - with Bobby Jones on bass after Taking Over Cetera's departure - They offer to record historical Accepted Their debut album for Columbia in 1969. They Recorded two albums under the name Aorta. The first of These, the self-titled Aorta, today is Highly Acclaimed as a lite-psych album of Some minor renown, and Though it managed to chart on Billboard's album charts, it failed to do What Was Expectedt Chicago-area group, the Cryan' Shames) to do promo spots for the U.S. Armed Forces on a very rare promotional LP. They've appeared on numerous compilations over the years. Aorta was re-issued on CD in 1996.\

Greasy Bumps On Forehead Re: Don Ellis Orchestra - The New Don Ellis Band Goes Underground, 1969 (Progressive Jazz)

1 House in the Country 2:48 2 Do not Leave Me

3 Higher 3:40 3:19 3:03
4 Bulgarian Bulge 5 Eli's Comin

4:08 2:32 6 Acoustical Lass
7 Good Feelin '6:14 8
Send My Baby Back 3:02 9 Love for Rent
4:06 10 It's Your Thing 2:54 11 Ferris Wheel

3:46 3:29 12 Black Baby

Don Ellis - Trumpet, Fluglehorn
Patti Allen - Vocals
The Blossoms - Vocals
John Klemmer - Tenor Sax, Flute
Hadley Caliman - Flute, Tenor Sax
Mike Altschul - Clarinet, Flute, Baritone Sax
Fred Selden - Clarinet, Flute, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax
Lonnie Shetter - Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax
Sam Falzone - Clintment. The dozen concise performances overarranged Are Generally, the single Are too brief, and the melodies (with two exceptions) Are Not memorable. The ridiculously complex "Bulgarian Bulge" and "Eli's Coming '(Which Would soon join the repertoire of Maynard Ferguson) Are the standouts, But The Other R & B-oriented material, Which Often has so-so vocals by Patti Allen, is remove forgettable. One of trumpeter Don Ellis' lesser Efforts. "

1 to 12


Friday, January 28, 2011

Normal Period Look Like



1 - 12


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Swollen Ankles In Summer What To Do

t form, But It Was His First drum'n'bass album-length project, and I Approaches in just the way it Would one expect: by Simply perfect wedding basslines so They Could make one cry to the hardest beats I Can Get His Hands on, all of them to be cranked up to about a million bpm, Then layering Everything with jazzy flute ('Faktura'), sinister keyboard washes ('Third Stage Navigator'), or exotic found-sound (like the Tibetan throat singing on "Digitaria '). The album's center of gravity is 'Extinguisher' Which Consists of nothing more Than a bassline and incredibly dense and complex percussion - it's a masterpiece of tightly controlled funk s, which somehow isn't the contradiction in Terms one Would think it Would Be. Highly recommended. "


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alias 2 Vibrate Settings

includes two live cuts from that seminal early group at the Frankfurt Jazz Festival. Opening with 'Machine Gun,' recorded in March of 1968, Peter Brotzmann and his group blast away at what was to become the landmark recording a few months later in the studio. At this time, the group included an additional saxophone player, Gerd Dudek. This version finds itself a bit more playful than Machine Gun's version, not quite as menacing or brooding; the structure is the same, here favoring the longer take, but the interplay and overlap between the instruments is not as urgent. What it lacks in attack, however, it makes up for in improvisation, enthusiasm, and sheer genius of the composition. The second cut, 'Fuck De Boere,' is itself an audio tornado, buzzing around relentlessly until it breaks doC
1 - 2



1 - 2


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can I Buy Alcohol With A Temporary License In Ca Pär Lindh Project (Sweden) - Mundus Incompertus, 1997 (sympho Prog)

1. Baroque Impression No. 1 (9:10)
2. The Crimson Shield (6:38)
3. Mundus Incompertus (26:43)

Par Lindh - keyboards, percussion, 12-string guitar
Magdalena Hagberg -
vocals Jocke Ramsell - guitars Marcus
Jderholm - bass
Nisse Bielefeld - drums, percussion
Choir Jonas Bengtsson - recorder
Michael Axelsson - oboe
Aron Lind - trombone
Inge Thorsson - violin

"This is exquisitely classy, polished, virtuoso keyboards and sundry rock elements. A quick parallel to ELP is ascertained But Holds PLP closer to a classical motif. Prog rock is viscerally with Powerful d Evident

Lumps On Tongue & Watery Mouth

23. Butchie's Tune 2:37 24. Big Noise from Speonk 2:11

John Sebastian - Guitar, Harmonica, Vocals Zal Yanovsky
- Guitar, Vocals
Steve Boone - Bass
Joe Butler - Drums, Vocals


"Right on the tails of the Beau Brummels and the Byrds, the Lovin 'Spoonful Were Among the first American groups to challenge the domination of the British Invasion bands in the mid-'60s. Between mid-1965 and the end of 1967, the group WAS astonishingly Successful , Issuing one classic hit single after Another, Including 'Do You Believe in Magic?, "" You Did not Have to Be So Nice, "" Daydream, "" Summer in the City,' 'Rain on the Roof,' ' Nashville Cats, 'and' Six O'Clock. "
Like MOST of the folk-rockers, the Lovin' Spoonful were more pop and rock than folk, which didn't detract from their music at all. Much more than the Byrds, and even more than the Mamas & the Papas, the Spoonful exhibited a brand of unabashedly melodic, cheery, and good-time music, though their best single, 'Summer in the City,' was uncharacteristically riff-driven and hard-driving. More influenced by blues and jug bands than other folk-rock acts, their albums were spotty and their covers at times downright weak. As glorious as their singles were, they lacked the depth and innovation of the Byrds, their chief competitors for the crown of best folk-rock band, and their legacy hasn't been canonized with nearly as much reverence as their West Coast counterparts.
Leader and principal songwriter John Sebastien Was a young veteran of the Greenwich Village folk scene when to have formed the band in 1965 with Zal Yanovsky, who'd played Already primitive folk-rock of a sort with future members of the Mamas & the Papas in the Mugwumps. Sebastian Some Already Had His recording experience under belt, playing harmonica (his father Was a virtuoso classical harmonica player) on sessions by folkie like Tom Rush and Fred Neil. The Spoonful Were rounded out by Steve Boone on bass and Joe Butler on drums. Some tentative After Interest from Phil Spector (Who Considered Producing them), They ended up signing with Kama Sutra. Sebastian's autoharp (Which Would Also decorate Several Subsequent tracks) help propel "Do You Believe in Magic?" Into the Top Ten in late 1965.
The Lovin 'Spoonful Weretorn asunder by a drug bust in 1967. Boone and Yanovsky were arrested in California for marijuana possession, and evidently got out of trouble by turning in their source. This didn't sit well with the burgeoning counterculture, which called for a boycott of Spoonful product, although the effect on their sales may have been overestimated; most of the people who bought Spoonful records were average teenage Americans, not hippies. Yanovsky left the band in mid-1967, to be replaced by Jerry Yester, former producer of the Association.
The band had a few more mild hits, but couldn't survive the loss of John Sebastian, who effectively closed the chapter by leaving in 1968, although the group straggled on briefly under the helm of Butler. Sebastian went on to moderate success as a singer/songwriter in the 1970s. Live at the Hotel Seville, the first new Lovin' Spoonful album in three decades, was released in 1999.\

Monday, January 24, 2011

Buying Alcohol With A Temporary Driver's License Toshiko Akiyoshi Jazz Orchestra - Hiroshima: Rising from the Abyss, 2001 (Jazz / Modern Big Band)

1. Long Yellow Road 1:53
2. Futility-Tragedy 12:06
3. Futility-Tragedy (Continued) 3:26
4. Survivor Tales 6:40
5. Survivor Tales (Continued) 1:18
6. Survivor Tales (Continued) 13:14
7. Hope 6:41
8. Wishing Peace 7:13

Toshiko Akiyoshi - Orchestration, Piano
Lew Tabackin - Flute, Sax (Tenor)
Won Jang-Hyun - Flute
Tom Christensen - Flute, Sax (Tenor)
Scott Robinson - Clarinet (Bass), Sax (Baritone)
Jim Snidero - Flute, Sax (Alto)
Dave Pietro - Flute, Sax (Alto)
Mike Ponella - Trumpet
Jim Rotondi - Trumpet
Jim O'Connor - Trumpet
John Eckert - Trumpet
Pat Hallaran - Trombone
Steve Armour - Trombone, Trombone (Bass)
Scott Whitfield - Trombone, Trombone (Bass)
Tim Newman - Trombone (Bass)
Paul Gill - Bass
George Kawaguchi - Drums
Andy Watson - Drums
Valtinho - Percussion

"Hiroshima: Rising From the Abyss is an extended, three-movement suite for jazz orchestra That is thematically linked to the atomic bomb blast at Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. According To Toshiko Akiyoshi's liner notes, she WAS inspired to undertaker a musical memorial to this MOST painful episode in Japanese history-through the encouragement "of a Buddhist priest and jazz fan WAS Whose hometown Hiroshima. Although Akiyoshi Had Misgivings about the idea, she managed to produce the work in time for a premiere performance held in Hiroshima on August 6, 2001. This recording is live and is taken from the event.
The piece features readings given in Japanese by Ryoko Shigemori and drawn from the 'Mother's Diaries' held at the Hiroshima Memorial Museum. The Akiyoshi big band is in full force here, with soloists Lew Tabackin on tenor saxophone, Dave Pietro on alto, Jim Rotondi on trumpet, and George Kawaguchi on drums. All the solos are finely executed, but Tabackin's is the standout; he has some really soulful things to say here. This is one of the most straightforward and conservative of Akiyoshi's big band suites - the only sections that are 'out' occur during the inevitable 'explosion' passage (which follows a lengthy drum solo) and toward the end of the movement marked 'Futility-Tragedy, 'Where There Is a busy engagement of the front-line soloists in a group improvisation. Obviously this is a project Akiyoshi undertook with Utmost seriousness, as Relatively little is left to the improvisers and MOST of it is Scored out in Akiyoshi's richest, sentimental and heartfelt MOST big band idiom.
The suite is flanked by a pair of short pieces: a reflective number Entitled 'Wishing Peace' and a delightful, pero Perhaps too brief arrangement of her folk-like melody 'Long Yellow Road' That Lasts a little less Than two minutes. The live recording Has Its drawbacks - the Applause is at times intrusive, and this reviewer Would Have preferred a bit more low-end in the mix overalls, Which Is Rather bright and a bit too 'trebly. " Some American listeners with a taste for big bang

Artists, What Are Good Scanners For Macs Consolation

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nice Things To Say To A Sister Third Ear Band (UK) - Alchemy / Elements, 1969/1970 (Indo / Raga Rock)

ntal ensemble performing contemporary compositional work. For one thing, they didn't use electric instruments, or even guitars, instead employing violin, viola, oboe, cello, and hand percussion. More important, they didn't play conventional rock 'songs.' They featured extended instrumental pieces that often built up from a drone, or hypnotic pattern, to a dense, raga-like crescendo, somewhat in the manner of some of Terry Riley's work. Their 'progressive rock' tag probably arose because they recorded for Harvest Records, Britain's leading art rock label, which was home to Pink Floyd, Kevin Ayers, Pete Brown, Edgar Broughton, and many other progressive acts. The group was founded by drummer Glen Sweeney, who had roots in Britain's free jazz scene, and had played with an avant-garde ensemble, the Sun Trolley. Described Sweeney Third Ear's music as "electric acid raga," although the electricity shut off WAS They Shortly after forming, WAS When Their electronic equipment stolen. Simply Sweeney molded Third Ear Into an acoustic ensemble, with the Addition of oboe, violin / viola, and cello. The personnel (with the exception of Sweeney) Would rotate over the next FEW years; Were Their early albums produced by Andrew King, Who Had helper manage Pink Floyd in Their early days.
Commercial success, or events Widespread underground success, Was Never in the offing for Third Ear Band, and one gets the feeling That Was Not Ever to consideration. Their albums Were too somber and experimental for the rock audience, and in the U.S., They Are Still Known only to a very FEW. Their

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Much Is A 14 Pearl Necklace Worth Taking a break ...

Definitely, it's time to take a break. A break from the sims and YT, and lately I are both looking like a waste of time. Q Now I have a small "vacation" (does not enter into details), I will take the maximum to be with my friends. Not only will rest this holiday, if q I will be quite some time without getting into YT or upload any video. Aunq well, quite q I'm taking this break ... Mainly, I want to make a little porq YT overwhelms me the same story of the fights and all that shit. And frankly no one respects my work with the videos. Not if you may know, but just a 6 minute video as a chapter takes several days or months of work and notI feel like the q most of the comments are only wonder what is the music or where under things. So I have stopped responding also this kind of questions, not be an edge porq or all of these things so beautiful you send me some to q formspring by Anonymous (q brave, D)
And, well, bored me pretty sims. The q, on and not do and then off again. Asi q no, I'll be a long season without making videos or answer questions by YT. Cuaquier formspring thing to me.

Chau: *

PS: I have a video uploading to wikifriki pediente, perhaps forced march end and pull it up, but q is not very safe to do so. q can also find them off my channel, I will be "off" hardnte a week, but that does not mean q is closed or anything like that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Watch Hentionline Free

Originally posted by [info] s275 at Japanese toilet
At any Europeans caught in Japan, the strongest impression produce are not robots and sumo wrestling and toilet bowls. By meeting with them I am, I seemed to be prepared with stories of friends, has already visited the Land the rising sun. Nevertheless, going ne