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Friday, December 24, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Deep Throating My Wife Rude loose on YT
defend my ideas. I think everyone has a brain and can think for themselves and have their own ideas, that's why I get so angry some people copying ideas q. And sorry if I was rude to someone in particular, but sometimes I'm very passionate and I get the vein gross: P on those occasions, I have personal apology. I do not understand is why q is to become fashionable to be against me. 3 accounts I've seen devoted to insult me, attack me and steal my videos. Another inculso blatantly copied my entire channel and to put an obvious name.
Well, message: not know exactly what they've done to the account MrBlend15, xoxogurlz-NyaLifeProductions1 or whatever, but look, I do not respond to threats from hacking, or to insult or to rob meand if necessary
Apologize. But hiding behind multiple fake accounts will not take me to get back at everything I say. I'm honest with everything, and everything I say I say something, not because of me my the desire to say one day "today I will say so and so q has copied me ...". In short, I know anunq say you are spending all this long and possibly currents saying "HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU A P * TA, AGOVIAS JAJAJAJA brat, q q is you usually do, right? P * ta call me, but how do you know what I q? Do you know me in person? Do you know how old I have my name or something? Bah. I doubt it.
In short, if any of this had an effect, keep doing what you do. I just want que to know that I will not let YT or anything like that, I will continue with my videos and my life, and your safety you can steal, yeah? ;)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Women's Clothing With A Butterfly Label
* *
just me now turn to me and my game xD
• As I'm bipolar, so happy we now xDDD q I am very glad you have participated in my casting:) I have more or unless elected to the characters, but I lack the mother of Mel and Mike: P But time to time ... • Now
wrong again ¬ ¬ puñeta game gives me again, but for now I can use. Evil, but I use ...
• Many people have asked me for Curse. PATIENCE! : O I'm on it, but the script is almost 0: P I have the basic idea, now I have only q give coherence and make it interesting ... 8) Comor TA, since the first preview q subi (the mysterious video called (?)), the characters have undergone many changes ^ ^ now is more sinister, q q is what I was looking ... xDD In this series, my favorite is Dakota, the bad really bad: B
And weeeenooo ... Also plays a bit xDD promote
guess will know Wikifrikisims q:) No?? OO Q AS YOU DO NOT LOOK !!!!! Q D: \u0026lt;ahem ... xDD
http://www.youtube.com/user/WikiFrikiSims WIPP! This channel is formed by Andre (mrvieito), Sara (saraagn10) and yop: 3 We have several videos, so q can take a look: D If you're a fan of Andre and Sara (or mine xD), but we can know this channel.
And here we are finished! Bye