I still have to finish it, but I never refuse to upload photos and progress> - \u0026lt;
The relationship between Mel and Dee seems to be booming. Both seem to connect like never before with another person and the chemistry between them is breathed in the atmosphere ... However, do not go beyond friendship, which both hate. Mel seems to believe that Dee likes after Mike told him (this happened in the former chapter 7), but not to take the plunge for fear of making mistakes. Everything changes when it appearsJennifer stage, Derek's girlfriend. Jennifer took a year out of the country, for the work of his father and wants to return lost time with Dee, which clearly affects the relationship between Derek and Melissa up unexpected points. Or maybe that gives them the boost they both needed ...?
This chapter will be more drama than comedy, but neither will be to get to mourn her eyes out xD
Now you have a photo ^ ^
Well, I teach more, but I do stick to take photos ... T____T
This cHAPTER I think is one of the most serious I've been so far, just have comedy ... But tranquilooooosss! No big deal xD
* Music *
I have not yet clear what will be the music, but among the possibilities are:
- Stop and Stare - One Republic.
- Airplanes - BoB feat. Hayley Williams.
- Keeping on without you - This Providence.
What I tell you this? A bored I wanted to write something ...
xD Well, that's it! Until next time! : 3