Thursday, February 17, 2005

Translate English Phrase Into Hawaiian

Walking through the streets for free, making love is free love is free
, smell is free ...
A city that smells like the Song of Songs, to cinnamon, the myrrh ...
night falls.
tourists remember their hotels. Les feet hurt. Purchased amount of junk.
already have their artistic photos, your prints libertine.
The painter is folding its stand, and no one stops to watch.
is amazing how sharp looks, the air is washed, as the hair of that girl who runs there.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

How Is Your Cervix Right Before Menstruation New Day

ABIOS let me.

And I am like that bird that once picked it up myself, wounded, quivering in his last agony. And with a sigh leaves the life and escapes ... leaving the memory of his last tremor in my hands ....