Sunday, June 5, 2005

Capillaries Broken Pain Throbbing The number 8

We went in the afternoon to see the fish of the Quai de la Mégisserie, leopard month in March, the squat but with a yellow sun where the red came a little more each day. From the sidewalk overlooking the river, indifferent to the bouquinistes that nothing would give us no money, we expected when we would see the tanks (we were slow, delaying the game), all tanks in the sun, and as airborne hundreds pink and black fish, birds still in its air round. An absurd joy we take in the waist, and I sang crawling across the street to enter the world of fish hanging in the air.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Denise Milani Clip Nurse

polita, discover my secret sorrow and the remedy recommended me to forget ... Cocaine, morphine, drugs. Then I started looking for exotic places, strange-looking dancers, South American and opulent brown hair dye.
harvested at that time success and applause a newcomer, a cabaret singer. Debuted in Florida and singing strange songs in a strange language. She sang in a suit
exotic, unknown in those places until then, tangos, rancheras and sambas Argentina. A boy rather thin, somewhat dark, white teeth, a fine of Paris who showered with attention. It was Carlos Gardel. His tangos weeping, singing with all our soul, captured the public without knowing why. His songs thenCaminito, La chacarera, He ermine wrap, Indian Complaints, Entre tangos dreams, were not modern, but old songs from Argentina, the pure soul of the gaucho of the pampas. Gardel was fashionable. No food was elegant and gallant reception that he was not invited. Her brown face, white teeth, fresh and bright smile shone everywhere. Cabarets, theaters, music halls, racetracks. He was a permanent guest of Auteuil and Longchamps. Gardel
But he liked better than all fun in their own way, including his own in the circle of his intimates.
At that time Paris was in a cabaret called "Palermo" Cliché street, frequented almost exclusively by American ... There I met him. A Gardel was interested in all womenres, but I did not interest me ... more than cocaine and champagne. Certainly my feminine vanity flattered to be seen in Paris with the man of the day, the idol of women, but nothing telling my heart. That friendship was reaffirmed
on other nights, other outings, other confidences, under the pale moon Parisian, through the flowery fields. Spent many days in a romantic interest. That man was entering my soul. His words were of silk, his sentences were digging the rock of my indifference. I went crazy. My sad little apartment luxurious but was now full of light. I did not cabarets. In my beautiful gray room, the glare of electric lamps, a blonde head firmly attached to a face of brown shades. My blue bedroom, she metall the nostalgia of a wandering soul, was now a true love nest. It was my first love.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Translate English Phrase Into Hawaiian

Walking through the streets for free, making love is free love is free
, smell is free ...
A city that smells like the Song of Songs, to cinnamon, the myrrh ...
night falls.
tourists remember their hotels. Les feet hurt. Purchased amount of junk.
already have their artistic photos, your prints libertine.
The painter is folding its stand, and no one stops to watch.
is amazing how sharp looks, the air is washed, as the hair of that girl who runs there.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

How Is Your Cervix Right Before Menstruation New Day

ABIOS let me.

And I am like that bird that once picked it up myself, wounded, quivering in his last agony. And with a sigh leaves the life and escapes ... leaving the memory of his last tremor in my hands ....