Saturday, March 8, 2003

Herpes Blisters On Stomach

After much research and testing have been installed long transport to AIM, Yahoo, ICQ and MSN on my Jabber server. It turns out that the standard configuration file do not include the compile on OS X, but with a few changes work perfectly.

I have been trying all afternoon, and work wonders. Not a single problem. Tambiéna been installed and the module of public conversations.

should now make a page to tell about my experience so that others can use it.

Thursday, March 6, 2003

How Long To Leave Curlers In

On Tuesday I downloaded the server Jabber Open Source and compiled it in apple, which is an iMac G3 with OS X. The compilation required the installation of PThreads through Fink, and ready. The server first compiled, and ran smoothly. Setup was a bit more difficult as manzanita is behind the NAT through which my Airport Base Station will share the internet out to my home computer. Everything was solved by opening two ports on the NAT, and configuring the Jabber server as two virtual servers, one for the internal network and one for the external network.

I tried from the office all day, without incident. It's fast and had no problemsor, and I've been writing to Yahoo users without any problem.

tried to compile the carriage of AIM and MSN, but I've failed. It is a matter of time only because the problem is in the link, not the build itself, so I suspect that there needed to tell some libraries which must be linked. We'll see. In the meantime the possibility of Yahoo and is very good.

Monday, March 3, 2003

How To Stop Ice Skates Hurting Arches In Feet Experimenting with Linux

n Nowhere is there a guideline anti-Microsoft, much less (if at all we have is a general dissatisfaction). I decided to install Linux on my desktop.

few years ago I did, and the experience was not pleasant. Things have changed since then I wore development was entirely based on Windows, and today is no longer true. There were no drivers for many devices that I used, but now the only one out of the play is my iPaq agenda, which could indeed Linux system (if all goes well).

chose to install RedHat 8.0. After you inserted the corresponding supportfirst disk, booted, and installed. The process took about 20 minutes, and all hardware was detected perfectly. Even the screen resolution was better than in Windows. The two sound cards work, the keyboard has no problem (although HP extended keys are not assigned to anything), and the performance is clearly good. I installed VMWare Workstation

, because this computer comes with a license for Windows 2000 and I continue to use as I find it useful. The Windows installation took another 20 minutes, with the interesting mention of having done while downloading the JDK from Sun and install it.

RedHat The new interface is much more consistent and more manageable than earlier versions of Linux. No, not yet come to the beauty that can be
Mac OS X
, but it is what it was two years ago. No problem could mount a Windows share via Samba

, installed JBuilder JDeveloper

and also without incident. The basic installation includes OpenOffice, Mozilla and any number of utilities, of which caught my attention one that allows you to configure the services running on automatic, start and stop (similar

Saturday, March 1, 2003

Fashion Faux Pas Tights Color Shoes

ivamente extensive when you could have pressed the return key so much better, and so on. Why is there such people? The author of this code is definitely someone who dies from panic at the mere notion of being without work, so does everything he can so that no one understands what has done. I spent some time understanding their crap, while it could have been used in any other activity (or even should have been very helpful). And yes, there is an assumption of mine, for I have spoken with people who have the misfortune of having to work with him, and shelvesotal agreement. Wow, that's a subject so scared to death that leaves people to make a simple commit any changes that might make your code. is silly. Well, in the end I managed to crack the code, I made my prototype, and of course when I was running died of courage. He thought he was not going to be without your help. Ja, ja. Necessary? No, sir. No matter how stunted they are their little program someone can do better, and will keep your job. It is now a matter of time to give him air. He deserves it, no doubt. Worth

shop around the page I mentioned (How To Write UNM Code aintainable , if not caught), to realize what not to do.

Friday, February 28, 2003

Moped Engine Life Expectancy Localización de iJournal

ETID in the code and you have to bring them to the properties files, but be proud, I'm writing this post with a program developed by 50% (at least) to English. Bah! I'm a nerd.

How To Remove Plastic Label From A Toaster Oven The misfortunes of rookie

This is not the first message I write here, no sir. There was one before very long, thoughtful, interesting, worth a new blog like this. But as luck, fickle as always, a totally accidental and fortuitous, my message out prey from the jaws of disaster. So

was deleted.

all started with a typical day, typical Friday. Some things to do, I finished quickly, some experiments to do, which functioned as planned. The daily return Slashdot, where I met with five points kind of moderation (which as usual took the opportunity wisely, tactfully, makingstalling an emphasis on that for some reason I seem worthy of divine punishment.) Well, it's every day. The Lord saw fit to make me jump the hyperlinks from page to page, and as usual, I got to where I least imagined: LiveJournal.

"Ah," I said to myself, "this is something like a blog." I knew what it was a blog, but to be honest was not (and indeed still is) something that has a special esteem. Well, the concept of having a newspaper ("Dear Diary: My heart beats like crazy ...") makes me corny enough to be part of my repertoire est & aios something more advanced than traditional (say, those that if your mail is not Hotmail are not able to read it). Two things struck me: it is an OpenSource project, which gives you points (though not all of
has to be OpenSource
to be good), and a protocol handling (obviously ) open, so that there are several separate programs that interact with the site and allow an offline editing or at least more friendly interface than a Pá Web page - especially if you use Mac OS X. "Wow, I thought," this is different than I've ever seen. " attempting to register. Unpleasant surprise, to get paid. Or have an invitation of someone who is already in, or pay. It is similar to the time when you get to the cave, and unless you know the chain-(tip: ninety-eight of the Cadeneros respond to the name "Mike"), or you have a friend in (with a table and a couple of bottles five hundred dollars in the account) you have to pay an expensive cover, and wait in line. In other words, or payment, or payment. Terrible. I do not like to pay. "And how? Dolarcitos as five, not more, for the privilege. With those dollars you get an account, and two months of premium rate services.

Nanay, not be a cheapskate (I'm actually quite wasteful), but to me I can save, so much the better, so I joined Google, and search &# 233; something about blogs. Of course, I immediately Blogger page, which was suspiciously like the first result available in the search engine you just bought. But no, I took a ride, I did not nurtured enough in terms of features and facilities (eg no comments for entries that do or anything like that), and the worst was when once made my free account and trying to create a new little message, I find one of those stupid mistakes

Internet Information Server from Microsoft. What the hell? IIS "on a site this size? Well, there are things that IIS serves things relativelysubcommunities. Interesting, very interesting. And the five dollars that are required to enter
serve mainly to a) avoid
accept those who truly are interested. And yes, the trolls can be fun and the whole thing, but when it comes to something more personal, is quite annoying. No, I can troll me if I want my daily back and with that I have Slashdot. So I dropped the money. Pufff! Being in the office, and there I have a Windows PC, downloaded the program to work off line I saw more decent. Well done, indeed. I made my post, I loved being able to make a preView it before sending it, and I was intrigued by the concept of scoring the music you're listening to at the time, and the spirit in which it finds itself. I stretched, and said maso least what I put in the above (though in truth I was much better the first time) and I posted. Tralara! Lindo. My first message. Okay.

When I got home I got a program that will work on Mac OS X. Unfortunately they are not quality I found in Windows, but I'm using right this moment is very decent, and is called
. (Incidentally, why tll those who make an application for OS X you have to put a
the beginning of the name to your program? Can not they be a little more creative ?). But before that I got another one, which will remain unnamed, who gave the mother to my first message. Yes, I ate. It was horrible. A rookie unfortunately. Anyway, now that I've written a little more courage is happening to me. This writing is therapeutic. We should do more often, and perhaps how I would save some of those lawsuits that then I do from a free. For now we will continue investigating this site, we get &, # 233; advantage of these two months I paid (and if I like it'll end up paying for more months of premium features) and if possible invite some people interesting to put your own blog, because as I understood the bonds created between users can be helpful. James is lying on the back of the chair, thinking about feline philosophy, as is normal for him. It seems impervious to everything having to do with online blogs and the like. The truth, which spawn I would be a cat. Even if it was less tantrums. But everyone, so he is the cat, and I am the owner:)